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Andrej Fairfoot Reviews

12 reviews

12 Reviews Posted On Businesses

I have had 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE GROUP for quite a while and recorded two claims for accidents with them. One accident I was to blame while the other I was most certainly not. In the two claims, 21ST CENTURY given quick, magnificent service, and dealt with all that I required. Also every customer service representative, specialist, or agent I have ever talked with has been to an extremely supportive. I love that they are open 24/7. I would recommend the 21ST CENTURY for auto insurance.

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3 years ago

I called today to put a claim in glass and sadly, I had a 500-dollar deductible. My agent immediately reviewed my history and established it was a blunder and replaced my windshield under my intended policy. They did well and went far beyond when they could have remained on policy and procedure. I'll never switch. I will definitely be going to recommend them to friends and family.

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3 years ago

It has extraordinary options and the service is incredible. The roadside help is extremely helpful when I once forgot the keys in the car incidentally. The service is extremely incredible yet one flaw is that it charges more compared with other auto companies. Like I sometimes hear that my friends are paying less amount compared with me. With the exception of that, I recommend AIG.

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3 years ago

The rates are extremely competitive. They are exceptional when you contact them, be for new coverage or for an accident. They recommend ways you can obtain discounts. I am exceptionally happy with the service I get from them via telephone. Their site is simple and user-friendly and I am fully paperless with them. I will definitely be going to recommend them to my friends and family.

Extremely nice representatives. They speak clearly so that I can understand what they are disclosing to me. Extraordinary service and short hold time trusting that somebody will address. I have used ALLIED AUTO INSURANCE for a long time and they proudly thank their service members. I recommend them to every single new driver. Their rates are great also. I like that I can get to everything from my policy to my ID cards online. I will definitely be going to recommend them to my friends and family.

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3 years ago

ALLSTATE offers low-cost plans to help save you cash and keep it in your budget. I've just done online transactions with them so I don't know how great their actual customer service is or claims division as I have never needed to file a claim with them. In any case, in view of what I do realize I would recommend them to other people. Must give them a try!

AMERICAN ACCESS CASUALTY is in every case quick with any claims. I was in a car accident and they worked with the other driver's insurance to get my rental car and ensure I had all that I required. I called to get new insurance cards and the agent found me a discount and could bring down my rate. I would recommend AMERICAN ACCESS CASUALTY to anybody.

AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE has reliably had the lowest rate available for me in the course of the most recent 5 years. The ease of claims makes it significantly all the more appealing to stay with them. Whenever I have called customer service, they have served me efficiently. Their reps are amazing. They have extraordinary options. I love their service. I will definitely be going to recommend them to my friends and family.

I've been the customer of AMERICAN FREEDOM INSURANCE throughout the previous 2 years and I'm happy with AMERICAN FREEDOM INSURANCE. Their policy is extraordinary and the cost is exceptionally reasonable. They never increase our rate and always send our policy renewal on time. Since I'm great driver I never had any issue with AMERICAN FREEDOM INSURANCE . I recommend AMERICAN FREEDOM INSURANCE to every one of my loved ones as I genuinely believe their rate is extremely reasonable.

AMICA AUTO INSURANCE has been exceptional in its efficient, gracious customer service. They have thorough, immediate, supportive, concerned people ready to help. Every last time we have had inquiries on a policy claim, and so forth., it is taken care of the first time. You get well friendly, non-judgmental specialists who are knowledgeable. I will definitely be going to recommend AMICA AUTO INSURANCE them to my friends and family.

Member Info

  • Member Since: 09/29/2018