About Riddex Plus Pest Repeller
Are you looking for ways to get some control on the pest problem? Riddex has got it all done for you. We provide you with the best products and services to get you the riddance from pests. The features and benefits you need to know about Riddex is that it gives you a humanely solution to the pest issue, we do not use chemicals, poison or traps, builtin night light, immediately shows results and much more. We tend to make your lives easier by giving you the most efficient and effective ways to get rid of insects and other small creatures.
5 Reviews Login to leave a Review
3 years ago
Riddex Plus Pest Repeller should turn out once every few months. Be that as it may, if we call them for anything, they would likewise turn out. That is a part of the contract. When they come in, they simply do their thing. Sometimes we don't see them. More often than not, they don't come and tell the executives. They turned out multiple times within the three-month period to try to address the problem, however, they just couldn't. I at that point needed to repeat too many different departments regarding canceling and the cancellation process took a while.
3 years ago
Riddex plus pest repeller does wonders! I have bought their product twice. It is affordable and easy to use. I have used it to get rid of bugs and insects that crawl into my house as i live next to a barren plot. It has lots of tiny creatures here and there. This product was cost effective as well as good in quality. The results were long lasting too. Over all i have been very happy with it and i would also love to recommend it to other people who are facing similar issues. This is worth purchasing. 5 stars!
3 years ago
I have ordered and used Riddex plus pest repeller twice in 3 years. Both times it showed really effective results. My basement was a bit more challenging to be treated and some other areas were less effected. Both areas were free of pest both times. I would also like to tell that they have these repellent products at a very reasonable rate making it easier for everyone to afford. The packaging is also handy and secure. They delivered mine in the given delivery frame which adds to their reliable services. Definitely a recommendable product to keep homes clean and healthy.
3 years ago
I have been using Riddex Plus Pest Repeller for about a year and I've had a fantastic experience. I have my service set on a yearly basis. I have had no issues with any of the reps and the technician was great. He addressed any inquiries that I had and was exceptionally pleasant and great to converse with. He turned out to check the termite traps around my home and confirm that everything was still great. He also replaced any that should have been replaced.
3 years ago
I hired and was having our house and yard chemically sprayed once a month. Expensive but effective. Then I saw Riddex advertised on one of the shopping channels and bought one. It worked! I have to recognize the effectiveness of this repeller, after we installed several of these units in different outlets of the house, the invasion of aunts and cockroaches we had disappeared, they all gone.Place the plug-in pest repellent in attics or basements to keep pests from entering the living space. This non-toxic Riddex Plus Pest Control contains no chemicals or poisons, making it safe to use inside your home. Rid your home of pests with this simple to use Riddex Pest Repelling Aid.