About BoatUS
For more than 50 years, BoatUS has given moderate vessel protection inclusion alternatives for recreational boaters across the country. Ease approaches, accessible for most all watercraft types, are adjusted by devoted vessel protection specialists focused on extraordinary strategy administration, and master claims taking care of that gets you back to sculling as fast as could reasonably be expected.
2 Reviews Login to leave a Review
3 years ago
I have been using the services of the BoatUs for 3 years and I have never had any issue working with them. They are literally always there for you as they promise at the time of agreement. I purchased the insurance policy when my boat's engine stopped working and I am very satisfied with their towing service. It was top notch. I couldn't ask for better service at $300 annually.
3 years ago
The standard boat coverage is good. But they are certain about the boat length. they offer extra coverage options that at dock & other boat property damage. You need to know the best options being a good boater.