Customers Reviews about Baby Trend Car Seats

Baby Trend Car Seats Reviews

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Kevin F.    
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3 years ago

The seat was easy to install without the latch system. I do accept the latch system would make it steadier however it requires a small amount of time to get it right the first time. Also, it was somewhat difficult to adjust the straps to a bigger size when required and having to totally dismantle it and put together to adjust was a pain. But overall, the excellent value of the money.

I purchased Baby Trend Flex Loc Infant car seat from amazon for my daughter last year and absolutely love this car seat. It fits perfectly in my Accord 2015. The deign and color is so cool and the car seat is durable and safe. It came with the ready made boot that are also in girly color and my daughter seems to love them. The base is very easy to get on and off the latch equipment in my car. It is stylish, comfortable and safe for the babies.

Charyl B.    
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3 years ago

I have used and reviewed various types of car seats over the years and this is definitely one of my favorites.It was very simple to install in our vehicle with level indicators that suggest the proper recline position for each stage.Baby Trend’s infant seats are highly rated for safety and include head impact protection. you can adjust the height position by pushing a button on the base rather than using a rolled towel underneath. I really liked in comparison to other brands.Best for families with babies, toddlers or preschoolers and people concerned with safety. I also highly recommend buying from Baby Trend.

Brigid K.    
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3 years ago

We used this same car seat for our child, however, had encountered mechanical faults when he had outgrown the seat anyway. I had not thought to contact baby trend to have the issue solved, however, was so excited with the seat and loved the way in which it worked with our jogging stroller so we bought the seat again for our new arrival. I was still so excited with the seat. It is disappointing that my kids have just fit in these seats for five months.

Derek H.    
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3 years ago

i got a car seat a few weeks ago and i loved the design and the quality. My son loves it and feels comfortable sitting in.

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