It is a very faced paced collections business.They over work you and fail to assist with stressful situations.It is a customer lifecycle solutions company. They state that they specialize in customer growth, consumer collections.They are the legal owners and have collection rights on your debt account and your debt is legitimate and within the statute of limitations .
I may be called a regular client of the Allied Interstate I hired the as debt collecting agent when I started my online small business 6 years. They are best debt collector I have never had any bad debts and my customers never complaint about them. They are specialized and perfectionist.
3 Reviews Login to leave a Review
3 years ago
It is a very faced paced collections business.They over work you and fail to assist with stressful situations.It is a customer lifecycle solutions company. They state that they specialize in customer growth, consumer collections.They are the legal owners and have collection rights on your debt account and your debt is legitimate and within the statute of limitations .
3 years ago
I may be called a regular client of the Allied Interstate I hired the as debt collecting agent when I started my online small business 6 years. They are best debt collector I have never had any bad debts and my customers never complaint about them. They are specialized and perfectionist.
3 years ago
I own a company and using their services accounts receivable and customer retention and believe me I am way more satisfied with their performance.