Water Delivery Services

Water Delivery Services

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There are few things that are truly precious in life. Family and friends are one, a job (if it is a good one and one you like) is another, and then we have things. The media likes to portray diamonds as precious, gold and platinum as well. But you know what is even more precious than stones, it’s water. Water is the life source for all humankind. If there were no water, how could we have whiskey? See how important it is! Water is used to nourish us, clean us, complement other food items, aid in cooking, its use is varied and wonderful.

We drink water (and whiskey) and should likely drink more water than anything else during the day. It is an important component of our everyday routine which brings us to water delivery services. But before we jump into the service of getting water delivered to your workplace or home, let’s address the question as to why something “free,” although we do pay monthly water bills, needs to be further monetized to consume.

Tap water is the water that our local authorities have deemed safe to drink and flows through all our taps. The water is drawn from local reservoirs and undergoes a treatment process at water treatment plants. Because of this, there is the chance that the water can contain trace amounts of chemicals (fluoride, nitrates and others) that were used to treat it. Local authorities measure these contaminants and based on their criteria (in conjunction with the Department of Health and Safety) then deem it safe or unsafe for human consumption. Distilled water is water that has undergone another process to remove contaminants from the water. The water is boiled in a container where the steam condenses and is run off into a second container. The process ensures that the contaminants remain in the boiling vessel and the resulting water is quite possibly the cleanest version of water you can find.

Here lies the value, ladies and gentlemen, of distilled water, the water a water delivery service will provide. The benefits from a health standpoint are clear, although there is no definite research that shows drinking distilled compared to tap water over a lifetime is any better for you. What you avoid are chemicals that could be harmful, “could” being the key word. A second benefit is you save time. If you get into distilled water and can’t go back to tap (it can be difficult), then having a service provide you with said water is a plus. Imagine having to haul yourself to the store to buy large containers of water every time you run out. It’s a big operation, so having that truck arrive to your house with fresh water on a regular basis is a huge plus.

Third, you drink more water! This one might sound odd, but it can be true for many of us. Having a water machine in proximity of you during the day will result in more trips to refill the cup and thus increased consumption of water. It works in a similar fashion to snacking. If you have that bowl of nuts near you at your workstation, always refilled and ready to go, guess how many calories in nuts you’ll be consuming? A ton! And finally, you will be able to prepare more foods with water that is cleaner. We cannot vouch for the difference in the taste of pasta boiled in tap compared to distilled water, but folks say they can taste it. If you have a sensitive palate that can pick up on such differences, this is right up your alley.

The benefits of a water delivery service are clear, it simply comes down to cost. You’re looking at anywhere between $30 to $50 per month depending on the size of the family. If that’s an amount you are comfortable with, go for it, you certainly won’t have any regrets, it’s water after all.