Textbook Rentals

Textbook Rentals

So, so glad this one came up, mainly because yours truly bought every single college textbook, resold the ones that folks wanted, but then stored the rest, thinking maybe at some point that 3rd year “Physics for the Real World” book might come in handy. Guess what, it hasn’t, and these days keeping clunky books in the home under the premise that they will get read is a fallacy.

Best to rent your books, right boys and girls? Of course, it is and we’re going to throw a stat at you that will explain why. Consider this for a second (put the beer bottle down and step away from your computer) – the average student (according to the College Board) spends roughly $1,200 per year on books! You broke that bottle over your screen, didn’t you? Now you need a new computer, but let’s get back to books for a moment. Renting textbooks is on the rise and the cost savings are immense. Outside of the price however, renting textbooks is also extremely convenient. Long gone are the days of seeking out the book you need, going from store to store only to be told, “sorry, not in stock,” or, “come back in a week, we might have it.” Renting a textbook online is fast and if it isn’t in stock, you haven’t wasted your time running around town like a dope.

Second, renting a textbook is great for folks with certain learning styles. However, it is good to know what your style is before venturing into this sphere. If you’re the type of guy or gal that needs a textbook to confirm a theory or principle, and also a couple semesters to really get it right, the cost of renting might exceed what you could have paid for a used version to begin with. Also, some courses require a student to use the book for more than simply one semester. If this is also the case, best to buy used. If, however you need it just a semester and you can absorb everything in due time, rent, rent, rent!

Ok, so now that you know you might want to rent, the next step is getting to a site to facilitate this. There are a lot of them, so we’re going to try and be concise. Campus Book Rentals is a leader, featuring higher prices than Amazon but they are lower than nearly everyone else. They provide free shipping (both directions) and have no restrictions on highlighting (sort of a big deal as you can treat the book as your own). Amazon is their main competitor and feature the lowest prices by far of any rental provider and of course Amazon’s famed 2-day shipping for Amazon Student and Prime members. You always get free return shipping with Amazon, but highlighting is not as “freewheeling” as with Campus Book.

There are other players but best to stick to these two to begin with. The whole highlighting thing can get a bit tricky. Go with a provider that understands this need, otherwise you will be paying for said book over the long run.


  1. image Jeff Gatlin says:

    I am so glad somebody has written about this important and very useful thing. Guys, this is actually a superb way to go for economical stuff. I mean we all need books for a limited time and then we move on to the next level and the process repeats of getting books. Renting them is so much better. It not only saves our money but also cuts down wastage. I totally endorse this!