Protein Powders

Protein Powders

A common misconception with protein powders is they’re only for body-builders or professional athletes. The image of a muscle-bound, Arnold Schwarzenegger type, hanging out on Venice Beach and working out under the California sun come to mind. While those folks do of course exist, and are likely ardent fans of protein powder, this doesn’t exclude the everyday guy or gal from being able to take advantage of protein powder’s inherent advantages.


A protein powder accomplishes exactly what’s in the name - high protein intake. This is crucial for athletes or those who take on an athletic lifestyle. Getting enough protein, at a level like this, is tough via a traditional diet. Nobody is up for eating 4 chickens a day. The benefits of protein powder lie in the amino acids. These are the building blocks of muscle, and after you strain your muscles during a workout, amino acids help in repairing muscle tissue so they can return bigger and stronger. These same amino acids also protect muscles from breaking down, which is why many athletes will drink a protein shake before bed-time because their bodies will be without food for an extended period of time.


Another benefit of protein powder is weight loss. When dieting, complementing the diet with a protein powder shake or drink will keep you feeling full and also support your metabolism. You want high metabolism when trying to shed those pounds as muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does.


There are a variety of protein powders on the market. Whey protein is by far the most popular, and is made from milk. Whey protein is quite high in branched-chain amino acids, ideal for muscle burning. Plant-based protein powder is for those who are sensitive to dairy or do not want to ingest animal products. Hemp, pea, soy or rice proteins are common in this category, and can be found in any major protein powder retailer. Casein protein is similar to whey, and also found in milk. Casein takes longer to digest, so many opt for whey due to this.




One of the best overall powders you can find, Pro JYM comes in a variety of flavors and is a blend of egg, casein and whey protein. This blend improves muscle protein synthesis over the long-term, while at the same time providing a quick protein boost after a strenuous workout. The Rocky Road flavor gets rave reviews online, as an alternative to the traditional chocolate and vanilla.


Dymatize ISO100


If you’re looking for a powder that will help with weight loss specifically, the ISO100 is a popular pick. Reviewers comment on its ability to keep you full and ward off cravings. This last point is why most diets fail. Cravings get the best of us, and on an empty stomach, that’s a nasty combination. The ISO100 is low in fat, carbohydrates and calories, and is nearly 100% pure protein.


Revel Women’s Protein


Female athletes prefer this powder because it contains active ingredients (for women’s health) that many other brands do not include. Digestive enzymes for stomach health as well as choline (which promotes cognitive functions) are the principal reasons women prefer this mix. As a value-added, the flavors are said to be otherworldly, something we should all be interested in.


Again, if you’re working out hard and/or seeking to drop some pounds, protein powders are a safe complement, and the variety is tremendous. Read up on the protein you feel is right for you, and then get to shopping!