Bill Negotiation Services

Bill Negotiation Services

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Your scribe has been there. Hate to admit it but having to come to terms that some bills have gotten a bit out of hand, simply not feasible to pay with the current household income is rough. It’s a blow to the ego, a blow as an adult, one of those things we were all taught that we should never let ourselves get caught in but sometimes it’s just simply happens. No excuses however, we don’t want to come across as if this is something that simply happens to us. There were some bad decisions along the way that led to the spiral, but the saving grace in all this are bill negotiation services.


Let’s be fair however, before we’re talking about how to pay off months upon months of back-payments, bill negotiation services are interested in negotiating what you currently pay, not digging you out of a bind. Most reputable ones understand this and if they can’t lower your bill then you won’t pay anything for their service. If they do however, you pay a percentage of the savings (typically over the following 12 months). Most bill negotiation services will focus on 1 of 2 distinct areas – medical and household bills. Medical bills are an animal onto themselves, a complex beast that requires some savvy negotiations. Firms like Billcutterz or Shrinkabill or BillFixers however will address the household or plain everyday living bills such as pest control and landscaping bills, security services, TV subscriptions, gym memberships, cellphone services, these types of bills. Companies like Copatient and Medical Cost Advocate will attempt to obtain a much better solution for medical bills that remain unpaid.


A big obstacle that most face when considering bill negotiation services is the issue of security. For some services like what Trim provides, accessing your credit card statements and then cancelling recurring charges that you do not need nor want any longer can be a bit intrusive. Granted, all the paperwork is rather straightforward and there has not been any public hacking that has come out in the larger bill negotiation service sector, but this security concern is certainly understandable.


To get the ball rolling with a bill negotiation service, you’ll first be asked for a set of current bills. You may submit them electronically, through apps or even standard mail if you prefer. Now, there are some bills you can negotiate and some you certainly cannot. If you live in a state for example where you can choose electric providers and it is not a monopoly or a designated provider, then you have a lot of wiggle room for negotiation. If, however you are under contract, say with Verizon, then Verizon knows they got you. To break that contract there is an onerous termination fee and most folks don’t choose to tread down that path.


Honestly, there isn’t much to lose here. Bill negotiation service won’t charge you unless they get some savings for you and if they do you are better off than you were before, plain and simple. A no-brainer of a service so get your bills under control once and for all!