Apps for Kids

Apps for Kids

Did you have to teach your Mom how to use email? If so, then it shouldn't be all that embarrassing that your kid is teaching you how to use an app. Don't worry, it's happened to the best of us. Take a look at your 10-year-old zoom across and iPad, and you quickly realize we're living in a completely different universe. 

Apps can be great for kids. Apps can also be disastrous for kids. Let's face it – like TV when we were little, there was educational programming, and then there was mindless junk. Apps are the same. But with that said, the amount of educational apps for kids is much more varied than the educational TV programs we had. In fact, apps contain a ton of value, educational at that. But, there are some things to keep in mind before settling on one (or seventeen). 

First, a good app will engage your young one. Second, it won't include distractions that could interfere with the learning experience. Third, it will help to form a bridge between existing concepts and new learning. Fourth, it will include clear objectives that are measurable based on existing skills. And finally, there will be an area where you or your kid can give their feedback.  

After you run through that checklist, there are some additional items to keep in mind. Don't worry, we're not going to bog you down here. We know you're waiting for the big reveal(s). But it behooves everyone to know who made the app. There are reputable players in this app world, and then some upstarts that frankly haven't "started" despite their best intentions. Don't fret if you don't recognize the names. Not everyone will be Nickelodeon, Disney, or PBS, but a quick Google search will yield reviews and commentaries. You'll know rather quickly if it's a trusted player or someone who should remain on the bench. 

Another must is researching whether the app can protect your kid's privacy. There is an industry standard known as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (Coppa). Apps for kids 13 and under are expected to be compliant with Coppa. A good app for kids will have "Coppa-compliant" in their description. However, there might be some good ones, some Coppa-compliant ones won't have that terminology. Regardless, do make sure they're compliant before moving forward. Nothing worse than throwing your kid to the "virtual wolves."

Ok, the part we were anxiously waiting for. We're going to kick this puppy (figuratively) off with A personal favorite, the best part about this app is it feels like school for adults, and like a game for kids. You get activities, quizzes, story videos, plus a cool interactive map that displays your child's learning path. Kids aren't so interested in the learning path, but they are engaged in the content. A win-win for both camps! 

Epic! is an epic reading app. No typo there, this app deserves praise from its very name. The most "epic" part of Epic! is there's an epic 35,000 kids books loaded into this e-library. That's more books than your kid (and every kid on our block) will need over the next 100 years, but so be it. This app is an exceptional tool to transport reading wherever you go. An excellent choice for ages 2 to 12 and also features a free, one-month trial. 

Lastly, the Hungry Caterpillar Play School. Learning is always more fun when a caterpillar is in play. This app highlights five principal areas of education – arts and puzzles, reading, the alphabet, colors, and numbers. The design is quite engaging (even for a 44-year-old), and the 3D details are frankly unseen in the kid's app world. Eric Carle is the author that this app was based off. Anyone with a 7 year old knows Carle well. He is the Michael Jordan of kid's books. This is a solid bet that fulfills all the previous criteria we already laid out. 

The list goes on and on folks, but start with one of these three and give yourself room to run. If your kid doesn't pull an all-out revolt on you, tossing your smartphone into the toilet, then you know you've chosen well.