

This blog can get nuts sometimes. Reason why, you (I) find myself writing on some of these subjects with the premise of wondering what the heck I would do if I didn’t have (in this case a refrigerator) of said item. The microwave blew my mind (pun intended), and the mold removal service was a must, must, must. But here we might have the granddaddy of them all – the refrigerator. Imagine your life without a refrigerator? I just did, it wasn’t pretty. How could we live? Eating out constantly, room temperature everything – water, cheese, mayonnaise (this last one might be dangerous). The whole concept is nuts.

Before we make that leap into the wonderful world of refrigerators in 2019, let’s take a step back … way back. Prior to the refrigerator (what a miserable thought), food was kept in iceboxes or icehouses. These were constructed outdoors and stacked against freshwater to keep everything cool. Yet, the whole scene was turned upside down when William Cullen came around in 1748 and invented the first artificial form of refrigeration. By the time the 19th century arrived Cullen’s initial premise boomed. In 1911 the first home machines were being made and selling for roughly twice the price of a car! This stat blew our mind. Through the 1920s refrigerators used several combinations of toxic gases as refrigerants, but there were some hiccups in the process. In fact, a handful of folks passed away from inhaling harmful gas which led Frigidaire, DuPont and General Motors to seek answers.

A new solution was eventually discovered – Freon – which is nontoxic, colorless and odorless. The substance was patented by Frigidaire and then put into production and sold under the name Kinetic Chemical. Freon changed the game and since then the technology has exploded. Today you can find top of the line models like the Samsung RF28JBEDBSG. Rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? This fridge is what they call a showcase fridge, featuring a double door and a massive icemaker. It combines some fancy tech features which make it a fan favorite, but the party doesn’t stop here. The GT GTE18GMHES, another easy model to memorize, is inexpensive and features spill-proof shelves. What a plus! This unit is great for those on a minimal budget as it is cheap, but also lacks an icemaker. Bummer on that end.

Lastly, the LG LSXS26366S (we know, you’ve had it with number/letter sequences at this point), is a fabulous unit for holding in temperatures, features exceptional LED lights, maintains temperatures just like you’d want it to, but the freezer storage space is a little tight. You can’t have everything in life though can you! Whatever, any of the three we already laid out will have your fridge needs met from here to eternity. Happy cold storage hunting!