Power Lift Chairs

Power Lift Chairs

We all arrive at that moment where transitioning from a seated position to a standing position can be a bit of a challenge. Nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact, if managed strategically then the whole issue is relatively minor. It is silly to think the things we were capable of say in our 20s and 30s would continue into our 50s, 60s and 70s. A power lift chair does not mean you’ve given up on life and all that awaits is Netflix and microwave dinners. They are a support apparatus and if you find yourself in that position, don’t fret, help is on the way!

Power lift chairs look like standard, reclining chairs. The principal difference is the guts of the chair are equipped with a powerful lifting system that can tilt the base several different directions. Via user-friendly controls, the user operates the lift chair rather than having to engage a lever or switch. On the market, power lift chairs are advertised differently – “infinite position recliners,” “power lift recliners,” “pop-up chairs,” or even “3-position recliners.” Any of these will likely serve your purpose and most power lift chairs are available in large widths, cloth, vinyl or leather upholstery. Believe it or not, these chairs can get quite pricey depending on your interests.

Again, these are chairs manufactured and made for folks who have difficulty transitioning from a seated position to a standing one. But the benefits don’t stop there. Massaging and optional heating features are available, providing a host of therapeutic benefits to those with arthritis, back pain, sore joints or similar ailments. Away from simply allowing one to relax and engage in activities, users can also employ power lift chairs to sleep, reclining them into a completely flat position that is ideal for those with mobility issues.

A solid pick for first-timers is the U-MAX Massage Chair Power Lift Recliner. Highly versatile, this is a great chair that can accommodate folks up to 330 pounds and coming in at no more than 5’10” in height. The U-MAX will recline 130 degrees and includes programmable massage, timing and heating. Another excellent option is the Seven Oaks BLKLEATHMOD Power Lift Recliner. An odd name no doubt, like the U-MAX this seat has many of the similar features and is great for folks who are closer to 6 feet in height.

Lastly, if a chair with an emergency battery is what you’re seeking, for you or a loved one, then the Mega Motion LC-200 Lift Chair is likely the best option on the market today. The best part about this chair obviously is the emergency battery component, excellent for those moments when the power fails and those that need chair support can count on it in all situations.

A handful of exceptional options but do your due diligence. This is a wide market with a host of options.