Online Colleges

Online Colleges

Online colleges began to really proliferate roughly 10 years ago. With that said however, one school on this list began in 1993! Feeling old, we are. But in all honesty, online colleges have caught up in prestige and quality and the following three are your best bets in the U.S.

Penn State

A nearly perfect score from College Choice, the average price to be an online Nittany Lion is $23,129. Part of the well-respected Pennsylvania State University system, Penn St. offers a staggering 150 plus degree and certificate programs and counts on tenured professors as an instructional base. The model is a “catch-all” structure, able to adapt to the individual needs of nearly every online student with a flexibility that is difficult to find.

As an online student you are part of what’s known as the “Penn State World Campus.” You complete the assigned work at your own pace and as such attend classes on your own schedule. Peer-to-peer interaction is not compromised with this program as video-conferencing is widely employed as is social media, bulletin boards, phone calls, etc. Some of the more sought after degrees are a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, a Master of Engineering: Electrical Engineering and a Master of Education: Educational Leadership.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Don’t worry, you’re not in the minority if you haven’t heard of this school. Flying (it is aeronautical after all) under the radar is this Florida distance program, but for those in the STEM fields or who would like to pursue a STEM education online, look no further. Embry launched their online portal way back in 1993. Rather astounding as nearly no other university was offering what they were in a completely digitized format.

Specializing in engineering and aeronautics, Embry has developed a highly innovative curriculum and currently offers both undergraduate and graduate level courses to thousands of students worldwide. At a reasonable $19,007 per year, the cream of the crop at Embry are the Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics, the Master of Science in Engineering Management and the Master of Science in Technology. A cool feature with Embry is the addition of student advisors to accompany students, hand-in-hand throughout their academic journey. The undergraduate and graduate programs start at various times throughout the year and a special accelerated format pushes students over a brisk 9 weeks.


Arizona State University Online

Want to be a Sun Devil but hate the sun? Then stay at home, pay $13,156 per year, sock away the sunblock and come on board. ASU Online is a top provider of online education serving roughly 25,000 students enrolled in over 150 graduate and undergraduate programs. ASU prides itself on being large but specialized at the same time. Don’t ask us how they do this but the reviews appear to corroborate it. No matter your interest, ASU Online counselors guide you toward the program best suited to achieve said interests and the output are satisfied students which is what any university (online or stand-alone) is seeking.

While the offers are varied, some that stand out are the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, the Master of Business Administration and the MBA/MS Industrial Engineering. If none of these float your boat, make an appointment with the online counselor and toss out your interests with them. Again, ASU Online prides itself in being able to adapt to every student interest. Test them, don’t be scared!