Meal Delivery Service

Meal Delivery Service

Before jumping into this one, let me just pause for a second. I distinctly remember having a conversation with my Mom while I was in my 20s (roughly 20 years ago) surrounding this very topic. Why (20 years ago I inquired) were all the food delivery services only pizza, sandwiches or other crappy fast food? She didn’t have an answer and nor did I. But her prevailing thought was good quality food would never be delivered. The kind of food only Mom could whip up in the kitchen was only possible to be consumed in her same home. Granted, I was fresh out of college and tired of cooking for myself, so the question was rather narrowly focused on my wants and desires. But that thought never faded …

Fast forward to the present and folks, we’ve arrived! It took some time, but in 2019 meal delivery services have exploded and thanks to providers like Blue Apron among others, we are now privy to excellent food at affordable prices that take no prep time and keep the fat intake to a minimum. We’re going to run through some of the leaders in this sphere, get a pen and paper ready.

Blue Apron

The previously mentioned Blue Apron is widely accepted as the grand-pappy of meal delivery services. Eight menus are available on a weekly basis with everything from pasta to seafood to international cuisine and an array of vegetarian dishes. The website is a snap to peruse and you can even search options via popular phrases such as, “great for grilling,” or “customer favorite,” or even “quick and easy.” Celebrity chefs jump in every now and again which makes the whole experience of being a Blue Apron client even more fun.


Granted, we’re talking about ordering out here which for some can create a stranglehold on the budget. If money is an issue (honestly, when isn’t it), then EveryPlate is a great option. At a very affordable $4.99 per serving, the emphasis here is hearty and generous. Those two words sort of mean the same, right? Well, picture a whopping plate of food fit for an appetite after having harvested 15 acres of wheat. Wait, all you did today was go to Best Buy and wait 15 minutes at a crowded Starbucks for an iced latte. No matter, you still deserve a hearty meal. EveryPlate checks that box.

Sun Basket

Now we’re talking. Fresh and healthy are their buzz words but there is so much more to Sun Basket. Organic, sustainably farmed and raised, non-GMO coupled with a delivery box that is packaged in 100% recyclable materials, this might be the most responsible meal delivery service on the planet. Developed by Justine Kelly, a James Bear Award-winning chef at the famed San Francisco Slanted Door restaurant, Kelly has put together a range of easy and delicious meals that could not be better for you from a nutrition standpoint. For three meals a week the rate is $74.93 per couple. This comes out to roughly $11.99 per person. A bit pricier than some of the others here but the health value here is over the moon.