Home Supplies and Tools

Home Supplies and Tools

Talk about a potentially exhaustive list! Every home, no matter the size, from studio apartment to Lady Gaga’s estate requires maintenance. A clean home is a happy home, a home in working condition where the cabinets open freely and the doors don’t creek, where the windows are properly sealed to prevent the rain from coming in and the floorboards firmly installed. These are little things that if left unattended will cause great stress and incite anger (we’ve been there!).

While every home of course is distinct, there are several “must haves.” Let’s get to it!

Microfiber Cloths

By far one of the best ways to reduce household dust, a nice, wet microfiber cloth will grab on to soil unlike a feather duster for example. They wipe surfaces clean and you then simply rinse to get all the gunk off. Using them dry is great for polishing glass or tile and really good quality ones will extract pet hair from clothing.

Stick/Hand Vacuum

Why stick/hand you ask? Well, yes, if you have a large home with lots of carpet then a good quality, traditional vacuum is necessary. But pick this one up too. Reason why, if there is hard flooring anywhere in your home a hand vacuum is vital for getting into the corners where a broom cannot. You can also get at pet hair in the sofas, take it to your car, freshen up the mattress, the ability to transform your vacuum into a hand tool is fabulous.

Spray Bottles

The ever-handy spray bottle. It gets overlooked, but why we ask? First, filling them with water is the natural first step but nowadays lots of folks are creating their own cleaning products utilizing all-natural products. If you purchase these in different colors all the better as distinguishing between the window spray, bathroom spray, traditional water spray, etc is all the easier.

Steam Mop

Fun, fun, a steam mop with washable pads permeates tiles to get all the grout and muck out at the same time. Some of us have the uncomfortable, small shower stall that is also difficult to clean. A steam mop will hit those walls, leaving them clean and they also work amazingly well on vinyl, laminate floors, wood, tile and marble.


A fun word to write and say – the squeegee. Typically thought of as simply a vehicle-related tool, squeegees can be used around the house as well. Anything that has a glass surface, or an exceptionally smooth surface made of plastic or marble for example can be cleaned quite well, and fast, with a squeegee.

Lint Roller

Of all the items on the list to now, the lint roller might be the most important. Nonsense, you shout, but listen up. There is nothing more annoying than unwanted hair, lint, what have you on your clothes. When you’re getting dressed, you’re typically in a hurry. The last thing you want to do is slow down to grab a piece of tape and attempt to remove the unwanted crap off your sweater. The lint roller will comfort you in these times and another lesser-known job the lint roller is great at – picking up broken glass off the floor!   

Any of these will make a happy home. If you share it with someone, they’ll thank you.