Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Cleaning up is a good thing, make no mistake about it. Loved ones will appreciate it, you will appreciate it, and your greater community of acquaintances, co-workers and others around you will appreciate it. Struggling with drug and alcohol addiction is a nasty issue. Any of us can fall victim and the most important thing is recognizing when you are knee-deep and when to seek help.

Back in the day drug and alcohol addiction was treated in a rather informal manner. Personal coaches, home visits from folks who claimed they had ways or methods or pills to cure the suffering. Make no mistake about it, at times this sort of “therapy” worked, but in time the percentages of the population that began to really suffer from addiction exploded. There was a real need for a more formalized approach and enter in the drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.

Most centers today offer what is known as a holistic approach to addiction, treatment that includes mindfulness, meditation, wolf therapy, equine, it runs the gamut. The theory is if something outrageous to one person works wonders for another, why judge? As such, the literal offer is plentiful, and this is great for those seeking treatment. Nowadays there is likely not a rehab on the planet that one could seek out that would not have something attractive in terms of therapy options.

High-end facilities charge $30,000 plus with expensive ones reaching into the $65,000 per month-long stay. Lower-level programs charge $5,000 per month and there are many with sliding scales and public assistance as well. Insurance coverage is recommended but is not always guaranteed.

Passages Malibu

The rehab center to the stars, this option will likely break the bank. David Hasselhoff and Mel Gibson have graced Passages’ halls, and both paid upwards of $65,000 per month. A 10-acre property that overlooks the Pacific Ocean, Passages offers 21 different therapy methods and popular alternatives to the traditional 12-step method.

Dunes East Hampton

If you’re on the East Coast, and have some change to spare, Dunes is the Passages East Coast equivalent. Auricular acupuncture, Shiatsu massage therapy, meditation, yoga, Dunes offers it all coupled with a clinical team with a collective 300 years of sobriety under the watchful eye and leadership of Joe McKinsey, founder of Dunes and a former addict himself. As opposed to some other clinics, Dunes will allow patients to access their cell phones principally to maintain contact with work. If the $65,000 per month charge is too much there is a 90-day outpatient program for $2,000 per month.

AToN Center

Lastly, the AToN Center, a San Diego staple that can accommodate up to 12 patients stretching over two homes on a spacious property that is near both the mountains and the coast. A bit cheaper than Passages and the Dunes, AToN comes in at $45,000 per month and in addition to the holistic offers of the other two AToN is heavily sports oriented, featuring a sand volleyball court, fountains, a fresh water pool and outdoor showers. Cognitive behavioral therapy is popular at AToN and a prime selling point.