Coffee Makers

Coffee Makers

Choosing a coffee machine should not be easy. After all, if you’re a regular drinker, you want this apparatus to accompany (and never fail you!) every morning. There is nothing more nightmarish than waking to a broken-down machine and having to leave the house to get that caffeine fix.

We’ve provided a nice variety of reviews here, read on!

Kalita Wave 185 Dripper

If boutique coffee beans are your thing then the Kalita is going to keep you longing for cup after cup, guaranteed. Now, you might be into boutique coffee beans but don’t have all day to brew coffee. The Kalita is an inexpensive and manual route to great coffee with control over the myriad of variables that you can tweak while brewing.

Unlike some of the machines we’ll be reviewing here the Kalita is like the title suggests, a dripper. Simply load in the beans and drip away.

Hamilton Bach 12-Cup Coffee Maker

If you’re on a tight budget, this is the best bang for your buck under $50. Granted, the Kalita is cheaper but you’ll spend much more on the boutique beans to drip with. The Hamilton is for people who aren’t picky about their beans, certainly aren’t grinding them at home, and want something that makes a decent brew quick and easy.  

Bodum Chambord

You’ve likely heard of the French press. One generously inserts a tablespoon of coffee and then pours just under boiling water to the French press. Next a gentle stir and then reinsert the plunger into the pot and press down. What remains is the coffee free of grit and ready to consume. Some folks are into this method and if that’s the case the Chambord is your go-to option. Now, this is a glass unit which will never be as sturdy as stainless steel for example. But if you treat it with care this unit is easy to clean and best of all … quick!

OXO Good Grips Cold Brew Coffee Maker

The cold brew is making big inroads for traditional coffee drinkers and those who prefer a different twist on coffee with much less acid. Cold-brewing extracts the right amount of bitter flavors leaving a milder and sweeter tasting coffee.

This unit from OXO is exceptional, very well-designed and lauded for making cold coffee with strong aromas, balanced acidity and a clean finish. Sounds like everything you’d want in a cold brew!

Breville Infuser

Lastly, the espresso. A good cup (shot) of espresso is second to none. The drawback on espressos has always been that they’re complicated to make. The Breville however is much, much easier than comparable machines with excellent instructions and a very user-friendly design. The model does come with a lot of accessories, but you quickly get the hang of them. An all-in-all solid choice for the espresso fanatic in you.